[pro_ad_display_adzone id=”1078″ fixed=1 fixed_cont=”#oi”]

marginTop (value|function) – the number of pixels between the top of the window and the fixed element.
limit (value|function) – the vertical scroll position at which the element will begin to scroll up the page (absolutely).
bottom – (fix to bottom) the number of pixels between the bottom of the window and the bottom of the fixed element.
zIndex – the z-index of the fixed element.
spacerClass – the class to add to the spacer for styling purposes.
preFixed – the function handler triggered just before the element goes fixed.
fixed – the function handler triggered just after the element goes fixed.
postFixed – the function handler triggered just after the element leaves fixed.
preUnfixed – the function handler triggered just before the element goes unfixed.
unfixed – the function handler triggered just after the element goes unfixed.


postUnfixed – the function handler triggered just after the element leaves unfixed.
preAbsolute – the function handler triggered just before the element goes absolute.
postAbsolute – the function handler triggered just after the element leaves absolute.
offsets – (true|false|not present) some websites have needed an adjustment to the left position of the element due to something in their layout. This option turns this adjustment on.
minWidth (number) – the minimum width the window must be to “fix” the target element. Turns off the functionaility when the window width is less than specified.
maxWidth (number) – the maximum width the window must be to “fix” the target element. Turns off the functionaility when the window width is more than specified.
dontCheckForPositionFixedSupport – (true|false|not present) some devices do not support position fixed; we check to see if it does. This option turns off that check if set to true.
dontSetWidth – (true|false|not set) box sizing that does not set the width on the target element when it goes fixed or absolute.
removeOffsets – (true|false|not set) recalculate top offset and delete left offset when the element goes absolute.
marginTop (value|function) – the number of pixels between the top of the window and the fixed element.
limit (value|function) – the vertical scroll position at which the element will begin to scroll up the page (absolutely).
bottom – (fix to bottom) the number of pixels between the bottom of the window and the bottom of the fixed element.